Synopsis Writing/ Pre Thesis Writing

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Synopsis Writing / Pre thesis writing

A research thesis’s organised outline, along with the procedures taken to address the study issue, is called a synopsis. Writing a summary aims to concisely and fully describe why a particular subject needs to be investigated and what specific practical approaches can be used to carry out the study. This written work includes a comprehensive literature analysis that provides compelling evidence supporting the feasibility of the planned research as one of its primary components.

For one or more reasons, your supervisor might request that you produce a synopsis:

– to assist you in developing your writing and critical thinking abilities

– will assist you in creating an all-encompassing summary

– to motivate you to conduct a thorough literature analysis in order to ensure that the research challenge has not already been addressed

– to press you to perform a rational examination of the actions that must be taken in order to fulfil the research’s objectives

A summary ought to make sense in terms of the study plan. As a result, you should make sure that the goals, research challenge, and research methodologies are all coherently connected and carefully thought out. Keep in mind that all synopses ought to address a number of important queries:

The Writing Process

A synopsis’s word count should be between 2,500 and 3,000, and its structure should mirror that of a qualifying research project. A summary’s title page, contents page, introduction, background, literature review, goals, techniques, experiments and outcomes, conclusions, and references are its fundamental components.


The introduction, which is the first section of the main material, should persuade readers that the study tackles a pertinent issue and that the anticipated results will offer significant new information. A succinct explanation of the methodologies that will be applied to address the research issue should also be included in this part.


Establish the scene and provide a more thorough introduction to the study issue in this section by demonstrating its applicability and scientific validity. It’s critical to define a precise emphasis and stay away from sweeping generalisations and imprecise claims.

You can define important terms or concepts if needed. The following topics ought to be discussed in this section:

Talk about the research’s potential to advance our understanding of science.

Give a thorough explanation of the research problem and its objectives.

Give a justification for the research.

Justify your solution to the research question.

Don’t forget to talk about the research’s expected ramifications and the methodologies used.

Literature Review

An important component of a summary is a review of the existing literature because it does the following: provides readers with a more in-depth look at the scientific data related to the topic; familiarises readers with research done by others on a similar subject; sheds light on the challenges faced by other researchers; helps identify research variables based on similar studies; and helps confirm that the research problem is feasible.

Don’t just write a summary of the techniques and findings that scholars have employed in your literature review. It’s critical to evaluate and contrast many viewpoints, and it’s acceptable to criticise some of them. Keep an eye out for contentious topics and different methods utilised to solve related challenges. You could talk about which points of view are stronger and which approaches and strategies seem more dependable and legitimate. Instead of summarising the prior study in this area, you should analyse it and make sure it relates to your own goals.


Determine the research’s goals in light of the literature review. Describe the study’s overarching goal in terms of the scientific contribution it makes to the field. Include a precise goal that will be measurable at the conclusion of the study as well.


Remember that the purpose of the study is to generate new knowledge about the selected topic when you write this section. As a result, your research technique constitutes the central component of your work, and your objective is to persuade readers that the methodologies and study design selected will logically address the research questions and offer useful instruments for accurate result interpretation. Incorporating a few instances from your review of literature into the explanation of the significant research design might be suitable.

Make sure to include the strategies and tactics that will be employed to address the research question in your description of the research methodology. Furthermore, specify how you plan to use the selected techniques and the results you hope to attain. Remember that readers can assess the study’s validity and viability by reading the methodology section. As such, be sure to justify your choice to use particular techniques and protocols. It’s crucial to talk about the study’s expected limitations and obstacles as well as how those issues will be resolved. Indicate what kind of addition to the body of information already known about the subject is anticipated, and talk about any ethical issues that the research may raise.

Experiments and Results

Present and evaluate the study’s findings in a logical manner using tables or figures.


You should restate the research’s significance and provide a summary of the study in this part. Don’t forget to include the goals of the study and the approaches taken to address the research questions. Talk about how the study’s findings advance our understanding of the issue as well.


All references used should be listed in the synopsis. Ensure that every source listed in the given component is cited in the synopsis’ body and that the references are formatted in accordance with the selected citation style.

Research Developers employs skilled synopsis writers who thoroughly investigate your subject to produce an accurate and complete synopsis. To produce a knowledgeable and perceptive summary, we study applicable literature, evaluate important ideas, and compile relevant data. We can present your work in a way that is compelling and highlights its originality, significance, and contribution to the area because of our dedication to research. Our meticulous attention to detail and extensive experience guarantee that your summary will be noticed.